About Me

My photo
I graduated from Loyola University New Orleans (Geaux Wolfpack!) with a B.A. in Psychology. I recently completed two years as an AmeriCorps member during which I found a home at the Washington Middle School for Girls. Prior to WMSG, I worked as an adult education instructor for the Corrections Organized for Re-entry program (CORe). My mission at WMSG is to empower the students and stregnthen their voice. I hope to inspire a love of learning and a love of self.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Weekend Homework

Looking Deeper

  1. Read AmeRican & Who's Louis, 
  2. Answer the Comprehension Check questions

  1. Continue to work on your expository essay - if you need help we can meet on Monday to discuss
  2. Publishing Party is Tuesday 9am-10am

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Expository Essay

OBJECTIVE:  You will write a 3 paragraph expository essay about one of the following two topics:

  • A time in your life that taught you a life lesson.
  • What you consider to one of your most important values. 
An expository essay is a piece of writing that is intended to explain a topic to readers.  It should not present the writer’s opinion or try to convince the audience of anything. 

  • Your must follow the WMSG standards for typed academic papers
  • Your essay must have three paragraphs (no more, no less)
  • Each of your three paragraph must have 4 – 5 complete sentences
  • You must have a clear introduction, supporting details and a clear conclusion.  Further, you must use at least three transition words or phrases. 
  • Your essay must be published (typed and turned in by the due date)
  • Please see the Writing Rubric for detailed expectations on content, organization, clarification, elaboration, grammar and skills
  • Please see the Writing Characteristics sheet on Expository Essays to help guide your writing

Tuesday, Nov. 16th
Writer’s Workshop (WW) Pre-Writing; Brainstorming

Wednesday, Nov. 17th:  
DUE:  Graphic Organizer (SP Book p.86) WW: Independent Drafting

Thursday, Nov. 18th:    
DUE: 1st Draft
                           WW:  Peer Conferencing (combined class)

Friday, Nov. 19th:    
 WW: Editing 2nd Draft

Monday, Nov. 22nd:      WW:  Final editing and publishing

Tuesday, Nov. 23rd:   PUBLISHING PARTY! 

  • Writer’s Workshop Checklist
  • Skills Practice Book p.86:  Graphic Organizer
  • Skills Practice Book p.82: Transitional devices
  • Skills Practice Book p.85: Writing Model (note this is for the VALUES choice)
  • Thesaurus: to find more “expensive” words
  • Your own notebook/binder for strong vocabulary ideas
  • Writing Rubric
  • Writing Characteristics

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Candlelight Vigil

November 9, 2010

Dear Parents and Guardians of 6th and 8th  grade students,
    As part of our VOICES literacy program, we are studying perspective taking. We are working with the students to look at issues from more than one perspective and see how situations, values, and events impact each other. 

    One of our partners at THEARC is Covenant House. On Tuesday, November 16, 201o, Covenant House is holding a Candlelight Vigil for Homeless Youth. This is a unique opportunity to raise public awareness about the issues and conditions facing youth who are homeless and/or abused. This event will take place at Freedom Plaza (Pennsylvania Avenue between 13th and 14th Street) from 5:30pm-6:30pm
  Students who attend this event will receive extra credit in Reading and Language Arts. We ask that parents or guardians take their student to this event; however, we do have a limited number of seats available on the Covenant House shuttle bus. This will be used on a first-come, first-served basis.The bus will dismiss promptly at 4:30pm and return by 7:15pm. This early dismissal will not be counted against your student.
  If you have any questions, please contact. Ms. Kassekert at Karen.M.Kassekert@gmail.com or Ms. Humphries at Shakenya.Humphries@gmail.com.
    We hope that you will take this opportunity to discuss current events with your student and encourage perspective taking!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Skills Practice Book, pages 67, 68*, 69* 70, 71, 72
Looking Deeper:  complete "Hollis Wood" story and worksheet
Spelling*/Vocabulary*: Test Friday!

* due Friday

Monday, November 1, 2010

Homwork - Due Tuesday 11-2-10

Skills Practice Book
  • pages 65-68

Spelling and Vocabulary
  • Study! Test Friday 
  • "FFF (Triple F) Accident Forgiveness" 
  • Complete Worksheet 
 Discuss with your family about our new theme, Perspective Taking. Read the home connection worksheet with an adult. Do not forget to ask your parent/guardian to sign the Home Connection sheet!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Extra Credit- Due Monday

Directions: Use these pictures to activitate your imagination. Read the captions under each picture and follow the directions to write a one paragraph response. Try to use as many adjectives as you can. Enjoy! 

Pretend you are a fish in this California aquarium. Write a poem that describes your life in the tank

Pretend you are a princess and this is your view. Write a diary entry that decribes what you see, hear, smell, and feel each morning.


Here is a reminder of how to set up your new binder.

  1. Warm-Up/ Journal
    • Home Connections
    • The day's agenda
  2. Spelling
    • Study guides/ Tests
  3. Vocabulary
  4. Grammar
  5. Writing Project
    1. All Drafts
    2. Grading Rubrics
  6. Novel Journals 
  7. Comprehension Check

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Letter Home: Personal Narratives

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Currently, your student is in the drafting phase of the writing process. Ask your student to share her story with you. It should reflect a significant moment that impacted her life dreams/goals. If you would like to provide your student with feedback or assistance, you may check for the following:
  1. Does the story have a clear beginning, middle, and end?
  2. Does she explain her dream and who/what inspired her toward that dream?
  3. Does your student capture your interest?
  4. Could she add or subtract details?
  5. Is the narrative at least 5 paragraphs?
Thank you all for your continued encouragement and support! Check back for more information on classroom activities, homework, and the 2nd Publishing Party!


Our VERY FIRST celebration of knowledge is THIS FRIDAY!!!!! YAY!
What you should review: 
  • Prediction/Inference 
  • Summarizing
  • Text-to-World Connections
  • Visualizing
  • Locating Main Idea
  • Providing Supporting Details
  • Drawing Conclusions
  • Using Adjectives to Describe Character
  • Vocabulary
    • Parcels
    • Foundry
    • deposit
    • conduct
    • raise
    • abash
  • Grammar
    • Adverbs/ Verbs
    • Proper Nouns, Common Nouns
    • Subjects/Predicates
    • Their, There, They're, There're 
    • Homographs
    • Homophones
    • Types of Sentences

Friday, October 15, 2010

Weekend Homework

The following is a list of homework that is due Tuesday, October 19th
  1. Skills Practice book pages: 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
  2. Tell a family member or friend about the book we just finished, Esperanza Rising
  3. Read the last 3 stories of the Capturing our Dreams book.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Welcome Back!

Hello Students, Parents, and Guardians.

As we attempt (spelling word) to get back into the swing of things REMEMBER to schedule meetings with advisors to discuss progress reports. Also, if you have any questions or concerns about your progress in Language Arts see me during the school day study or after school study to discuss your concerns.

Dream/Goal Personal Narratives: Write your outline!! Due Tomorrow
A personal narrative tells a true story about an event that the writer has experienced. In this case, students were asked to write a personal narrative that outlined an event that helped to shape or mold their life goals or dreams.

To write a personal narrative, you may follow the steps below:
  • Think about an experience that shaped your goals
  • Choose an experience you want to write about.
  • Think about what you saw, heard and felt. Use an idea organizer to help sort out your thoughts. (we did this in class, but you may use this ORGANIZER website to help you)
  • As you write, use “I” throughout your story. (Most narratives are told using the first-person point of view.)
  • Write an introduction that gets your reader’s attention and tells him or her what your story will be about.
  • Write about the events in the order in which they happened. (What happened first, second, third?)
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY Be sure to add sensory details, such as how something tasted or what something looked like. This will help your reader feel like he or she was there, too.  Draw the reader into the experience!
  • Write a conclusion that ends your story. Tell the reader why this experience was important to you and what you learned from it.
  • Once you have finished your personal narrative, be sure to review your work. You may even share with your family/friends and ask them if it makes sense.
    (Curtesy of Time for Kids )
Continue to read to page 199

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Read next two stories in C.O.D.
complete comprehension checks

Spelling Test Tomorrow!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Hello, Good bye, I Love You - complete the worksheet.

Problem Solving Skills:
Complete the worksheet.

Write a FINAL draft for your poems.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it!

I received this from my mother and thought I would share with you and your family. I felt as though this was appropriate since we are focusing on "Identity Awareness: What are our dreams and goals?"



“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses”
(1 Timothy 6:12)

If you believe it, you CAN achieve it.

One of the keys to seeing your dreams come to pass is to see them come to pass in your mind’s eye first. One of the greatest baseball players of our time told me that all through the day he sees himself hitting the ball. Before he gets up to the plate, he visualizes getting on base. He has this picture of himself succeeding. It’s gotten deep down on the inside and now he’s moving toward it.
Of course, it takes more than just visualization to see our dreams come to pass. It takes obedience; it takes prayer, and it has to be a part of God’s plan for our lives. But what I’m saying is that if you’ll keep the right pictures in your imagination, seeing yourself rising higher, seeing yourself healthy and whole, that’s going to get deep down on the inside and set the course for your life. When your mind is in agreement with God’s Word, it will help guide you toward your destiny. You will have a supernatural strength and power to see those dreams and desires come to pass in your life!


Heavenly Father, today I submit my dreams, desires and thoughts to You. Use my imagination for Your purposes. Help me to see the dreams You’ve placed within me coming to pass. Help me to see myself rising higher in every area and bring You glory in everything I do. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Esperanza Rising - read through page 80
Quiz Tomorrow~!

C.O.D. (Capturing Our Dreams) : Read The Hatchet - answer comprehension questions

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27th with Homework

Welcome back to WEEK 3 !!!!

This week we will be reading Esperanza Rising, a story of a Mexican girl growing up during the 1930s Depression.

Also, this week the girls will be focusing on Resourcefulness. Resourcefulness is being able to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations.

Tonight's Homework

Read - Dona Flor
Reflect on the following quote: "Every rose has its thorn" What are the thorns you have encountered along your journey?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

-Due MONDAY - Education is a Team Effort! - Extra Credit

Life can be a long, strategic and challenging game filled with all sorts of players. Whether a student is in school, at home, or on the basketball court, effective teamwork can make life's journey enjoyable and can produce incredible results. However, working successfully as a team is not an effortless task and teamwork requires a great deal of perseverance, compromise, and support.  

  • Watch (a) sports game (s) this weekend and discuss with your student the relevance of teamwork.  Have your student write a clear and cohesive 1-2 page essay explaining the importance of teamwork and role that it plays in her life. I have provided examples of appropriate responses. You may use this as a guideline in order to inspire discussion and the student's personal writing process.
  • All summaries must include: 
    •  Sport watched, with whom the student watched it
      • Siting next to my grandfather, I enjoyed an exciting football game
    • Teams playing
      • We enjoyed the New Orleans Saints v Atlanta Falcons game
    • Date, Time, Location
      • The game occurred  Sunday, September 26, 2010 in the Superdome in New Orleans
    • Winning team
      • The Saints won, of course. WHO DAT!
    •  Signs of Teamwork(THE MOST IMPORTANT SECTION)
      • As we watched Grandpa explained that each team member has a different task; some people on the team are responsible for protecting the ball, while others are responsible for moving it down the field. I also noticed that the their was a leader that would give directions. During school projects, I am usually the student that does (or does not) take the lead. etc...
    • Components of Teamwork that were missing in the game
      • My grandfather and I discussed that teamwork requires a leader, but should also allow for group member input. I did not see a section of the game where the team members got to share her/his thoughts.  This reminds me of the time I had to complete a group project and the group leader did not listen to my ideas. 
    • Whether or not student enjoyed the game 
      • I loved watching the game with Grandpa because we really bonded and I got a chance to learn about one of his interests, sports! Maybe Grandpa and I can save money to attend a Redskins game, even though the SAINTS are the best.

Homework, Due Friday

Students were asked to create a persuasive letter. The letter should convince an admissions board to pick your student to attend a special camp that will help your student to achieve her dream. This letter should include the following: 

Greeting (To Whom it May Concern: ) 
Salutation (Sincerely,) 
Clear outline of student's dream
Clear reasons that explain why she should be accepted
Most Importantly - PERSONALITY (we all know that charisma goes a long way!)

CAMP DREAMS Persuasive Letters are due and ONLY 6 of the 12 students will be admitted into our fictitious camp.

  • Remember to address the letter 
    • To Whom it May Concern: 
  • Remember to sign the letter
    • Best regards,
    • Best wishes,
    • Confidently yours,
    • Kind regards,
    • Many thanks,
    • Respectfully yours,
    • Warm regards,
    • With anticipation,
    • Yours respectfully
    • Sincerely
  • Remember to 
    • Add adjectives!
    • Express yourself

Thursday, September 23

Today's agenda will include: 

Warm Up 
Paragraph #4
Check Homework
Grammar - Complete Subject/Predicate Worksheet 
Vocabulary - page 18  
Reading- chk Hanging in There Worksheet.  Discuss Francisco X. Alarcon  chk complete worksheet

Listening Comphrension
Becoming Joe DiMaggio -by Maria Testa

Chapter 1: Dreams 1936
-This takes place before WWII

Chapter 4: The Second Gift
-Students infer that his gift was his introduction into baseball.

Chapter 5: Conversations
-Students discover that Joseph's father goes to jail.

Chapter 7: The Word
-Students learned that Big Dago, a negative nickname for Joe DiMaggio, is a racial slur for Italians.

PURPOSE QUESTION: Why is it important to Papa-Angelo that  Joseph Paul aspire to his own dream rather than aspiring to become Joe DiMaggio?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


  1. Grammar-
    • Proofread Warm Up Paragraph#3
    • Complete Subject/Predicate Worksheet
  2. Vocabulary/ Workbook
    • page 18
  3. Reading-
    • Complete Hanging in There Worksheet. 
    • Read Francisco X. Alarcon  and complete worksheet

September 21st

  • Grammar/ Proofreading
Sequence activity
    • -Write it. What is your morning routine?
    • Leonardo's Horse (Read Independently)
      • Discuss with your parents, "Did Leonardo have perseverence?"
    Comprehension Check
    • Can Your Student Follow the Natural Sequence of a Story?
      • Introduction
      • Conflict
      • Rising Action
      • Falling Action
      • Conflict Resolution
    • Review Vocabulary
      • ( renowned, reputation, secured) 
    •  Set a Purpose
      • How does a spider's ability to build webs help it survive and persevere?
      • How is the spider beneficial to other living things?
    • Answer Questions
      • Sequence
        • What is the first step a spider takes to build an orb web?
        • When building an orb web, does the spider first make radials that extend from the center of the web or first pull the thread into a "V"?
        • What must happen before a spider decides to eat the threads its web
    Camp Dream - Persuasive letter writing


    Type Camp Dream Letter DUE FRIDAY
    Proofread Warm Up Paragraph#3 and Complete Subject/Predicate Worksheet
    Vocabulary- page 18 in Workbook
    Spelling- Study!
    Complete Hanging in There Worksheet. Read Francisco X. Alarcon  and complete worksheet

    Sunday, September 19, 2010

    Monday, September 20th

    Student Objectives & Class Agenda

    • What Makes a Complete Sentence?
      • Identify Subject and Predicate
      • Correct Run-Ons and Fragments
    • Check Student'sPersuasive Letter (Topic: Why I should be admitted to dream camp)
      • Learn How to Revise
        • Is student's opinion clearly stated?
        • Are the supporting reasons listed from least to most important?
        • Are thr reasons supported by facts and examples?
        • Is the writing appropriate for the audience? (Tone)
      • Learn to Proofread
        • Check for Variety of Sentence Beginnings,  Length, and Vocabulary
        • Check for Colorful Adjectives
        • Check for Capitalization, Spelling, and Punctuation
    Comprehension Check
    • Can Your Student Follow the Natural Sequence of a Story?
      • Introduction
      • Conflict
      • Rising Action
      • Falling Action
      • Conflict Resolution
    • Review Vocabulary
      • ( renowned, reputation, secured) 
    •  Set a Purpose
      • How does a spider's ability to build webs help it survive and persevere?
      • How is the spider beneficial to other living things?
    • Answer Questions
      • Sequence
        • What is the first step a spider takes to build an orb web?
        • When building an orb web, does the spider first make radials that extend from the center of the web or first pull the thread into a "V"?
        • What must happen before a spider decides to eat the threads its web

      • -Write it. What is your morning routine?
      • Leonardo's Horse (Read Independently)
        • Complete worksheet, paste into notebook
        • Discuss with your parents, "Did Leonardo have perseverence?"

      September 16th

      Today we:

      - Checked Homework pages, 12, 14, 15
      -Reviewed Descriptive Writing
      - Discussed Persuasive Letter Writing
      • Develop Point of View
      • Clearly State Opinions
        • List reasons that support opinion (Why do you believe this?)
      • To Conclude - Summarize your argument
      - Discussed Tone
      • Friend
      • Parent
      • Principal
      • President
      - Discussed Main Ideas and Supporting Details
      - Reviewed Vocabulary
      - Read Aloud

      September 15th

      1. Learn about and practice the comprehension skil "Describe a Setting"
        • Setting is the time and place in which a story happens.
      2. Build Fluency
      3. Recognize, read, and understand the vocabulary
      4. Learn to define and recognize a fable
        • A fable is a fictious story intended to instruct of teach a moral lesson
      • Pre-Reading questions
      • Finding a New Spring
      • Purpose Question: How is the merchant different from the rest of the people in the caravan?
      • Pop Quiz
      • Compound Words
      • Review Definitons
      Students will be writing a letter that expresses their opinion/point of view that aims to convince readers to agree with the writers opinion/ point of view
      • Persuasive Letter

      Monday, September 20th

      Student Objectives & Class Agenda

      • What Makes a Complete Sentence?
        • Identify Subject and Predicate
        • Correct Run-Ons and Fragments
      • Check Student'sPersuasive Letter (Topic: Why I should be admitted to dream camp)
        • Learn How to Revise
          • Is student's opinion clearly stated?
          • Are the supporting reasons listed from least to most important?
          • Are thr reasons supported by facts and examples?
          • Is the writing appropriate for the audience? (Tone)
        • Learn to Proofread
          • Check for Variety of Sentence Beginnings,  Length, and Vocabulary
          • Check for Colorful Adjectives
          • Check for Capitalization, Spelling, and Punctuation
      Comprehension Check
      • Can Your Student Follow the Natural Sequence of a Story?
        • Introduction
        • Conflict
        • Rising Action
        • Falling Action
        • Conflict Resolution
      • -Write it. What is your morning routine?
      • Leonardo's Horse (Read Independently)
        • Complete worksheet, paste into notebook
        • Discuss with your parents, "Did Leonardo have perseverence?"

      Saturday, September 18, 2010

      Please note

      Due to the field trip on Friday, all homework and extra credit will be collected on Monday, September 20th. In addition, students will be provided the opportunity to take her spelling test prior the start of class.

      Enjoy your weekend. :D

      Wednesday, September 15, 2010

      Homework - September 15th

      Due Thursday

       - Descriptive Writing
      • Write a detailed description of your bedroom
      • We will use these descriptions in class tomorrow
      - Workbook activities
      • Complete pages 10, 12, 14, 15
      Especially the following
      1.  Withhold
      2. Overrule
      3. Wristwatch
      4. World-class
      5. Skyscraper
      6. Skylight
      7. Weatherproof
      8. Self-Addressed
      9. Background
      10. Good-natured
      11. Wavelength
      12. Shipwreck

      Tuesday, September 14, 2010

      Extra Credit

      In an effort to include the parents in the WMSG community, this is an extra credit assignment that requests parent/ guardian support.

      DUE: FRIDAY, September 17th

      Share with your student a short story from your early years. The story should have a very clear beginning and ending. For example,
      •  When I was five years old I was very mischievous. During the holiday season I used to sneak into my parents' room and look for my presents. One year, I found a ton of gifts under my parents' bed. While I was rummaging through the collection of toys my mom walked into the room and caught me. As a punishment for peeking, she made me return all of the toys to the store. On Christmas morning I did not expect to receive gifts, but to my surprise my mother had repurchased and wrapped all of the gifts. Even though I received presents, I learned my lesson and never peeked again.
      Then ask your student to write a summary of the events.
      This summary should be handwritten, two pages, and double spaced.
      It should include proper WMSG heading

      September 14th

      Today we...
      1. Read " i am running girl"
        • learned about Narrative Poetry
      2. Discussed "Jump"
        • learned about Biographies v Autobigraphies
      3. Vocabulary
        • Exemplifies
        • Endeavor
        • Mischeif
        • Boundless
        • Bustle
        • Springy
        • Dreaded
        • Mocking
        • Gritted
        • Plucky
      4. Grammar
        • Subjects and Predicates
        • Adjectives
        • Describe a seting

      Monday, September 13, 2010

      Homework- September 13th

      Due Tuesday, September 14th

      Skills Practice Book (SPB) - complete page 7
      Spelling - Study word list

      Theme One, Week 1 Vocabulary

      Vocabulary Words and Parts of Speech
      1. Dashes n.
      2. Strategies n.
      3. Stride v.
      4. Perilous adj.
      5. Paced v.
      6. Quenched v.
      7. Commission v.
      8. Foundry n.
      9. Proportion n
      10. Renowned adj.
      11. Reputation n.
      12. Secured v.
      13. Modeled v.
      14. Eloquent adj.
      15. Prune v.

      Monday, September 13th

      • To learn and practice comprehension strategies
        • Set a purpose for reading
        • Make predictions
        • Make Inferences about Characters, Setting, and Events
      • Identify good listening behaviors
      • To understand and practice good listening behaviors
      • To spell compound words
      • To learn about and practice word recognition strategies
      • To learn about and understand your purpose for writing
      • To learn about and practice the comprehension skill Understanding Figurative Language
      • To build Fluency
      • To recognize, read, and understand the vocabulary for this section
      • To practice and apply the comprehension strategy Ask & Answer and skill Understanding Figurative Language

      Friday, September 10, 2010

      Weekend HOMEWORK & BONUS




      • Select an article in a newspaper
      • Write a one page handwritten OR two paragraph typed response to the newspaper article
      Make sure to include:

      1. Proper WMSG heading
      2. Title and Author of the article
      3. Name of the newspaper
      4. What the article was about/ topic
      5. Likes or dislikes about the topic/do you agree or disagree
      6. Definitions of difficult words
      • This is extra credit HW assignment.
      •  In order to receive credit it must be neatly done.
      •  You may receive parental support.
      If there are words you do not know, PLEASE look them up!

      September 10th

      Today's Objective:
                   -To celebrate our newfound knowledge
                   -Review WMSG's Writing Standards
                  -Review Subjects and Predicates

      Warm Up
      Today we read vignettes about two different types of girls and the students were asked to recall what they remembered from the read alouds. They were also asked to make connections by comparing and contrasting their life to the lives of the girls.
      Review Writing Standards
      Take a Quiz! :) 
      Finish Decorating Classroom Board 
      Finish Presentations
      Discuss Subjects and Predicates

      Thursday, September 9, 2010

      Homework - September 9th

      Due: Friday September 10th

      - Decorate Notebook pages 1-6
      - Study Vocabulary
      - Quiz tomorrow

      September 9th

      What did we do today?

      Objective: To explore Identity Awareness

      -read aloud(every girl tells a story)
      -write a response to the read aloud
      -vocab activity
      -check H.W.

      -Aspire- strongly desire a goal

      -Collaborating-working together toward a goal

      -Hope- a belief that one's wishes or desires will be fulfilled

      -Perserverence-steady dedication to a task, belief, or purpose

      -Resourcefulness - the ability to deal skillfully with difficulty situations


      Page 1: name and class

      Page 2(back of page one):blank

      Page 3: Theme 1 idenity awarness
      central question What are your dreams and goals?

      Page 4: theme 1 voccabulary

      Page 5 and 6 : date and warm-up
           -german and iranian
          - muslim family
      paragraph 1: reflect on leila's goals and dreams
      paragraph 2: How are your goals and dreams connected  to leila's

      Wednesday, September 8, 2010

      Homework - September 8, 2010

      I will enjoy rereading the mini biographies of your classmates that you wrote in class today.
      It was great to meet all of you today in Language Arts Reading.

      Tonight's homework
      Due Thursday, September 9, 2010
      1. Get your syllabus signed
      2. Visit the blogspot
      3. Take the poll
      4. Leave a comment

      Tuesday, September 7, 2010


      Borrowed Materials

      Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics

      Strategies For Writers

      Word Wisdom

      Read for Real

      Student Supplied Materials

      3 subject notebook for Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics

      Blue-Black pens

      Looseleaf Paper

      Welcome to THEARC

      Welcome Class of 2013!

      Please use this website as a tool to remain connected and up to date on class information.

      If you ever have questions, I am available the last block of the school day and during study hours.