Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Chapter Questions)
All answers should be kept in your binder, and responses should be written in complete sentences.
Chapter 1
• How are the African-American students treated? Do you think
this is fair?
• What happened to the Berry family? What does this event tell
you about racism in the South in the 1930s?
• Would you like to be friends with the Logan children? Why or
why not?
Chapter 2
• Why has Mr. Morrison come to live with the Logans?
• What danger did the African-American people in the
community face because of their color?
• What might it feel like to be the victim of hatred?
Chapter 3
• Why does the driver of the white children’s school bus splash
the Logan children with mud?
• How do the children get their revenge on the white bus driver
and his passengers? Do you think this was right?
• What might it feel like to be the only person in town to have a
big, fancy car?
Chapter 4
• What is your first clue that T.J. is big trouble? Do you think it’s
wise that Stacey is friends with him?
• How do you think Stacey felt when he had to tell his parents
about his fight with T.J.?
• What does Cassie learn about her family from Big Ma?
Chapter 5
• Why does Big Ma park the wagon far away from the entrance
to the market in Strawberry?
• Do you think Cassie should have demanded that Mr. Barnett
wait on them at the store? Why or why not?
• How do you think Cassie felt at the end of her day in
Chapter 6
• Why does Big Ma try to stop Cassie from telling Uncle Hammer
about their day in Strawberry?
• Mama tells Cassie, “Baby, we have no choice of what color
we’re born or who our parents are or whether we’re rich or
poor. What we do have is some choice over what we make of
our lives once we’re here.” What do you think she means by
• Would you rather have Papa or Uncle Hammer as your father?
Chapter 7
• How do you think Uncle Hammer felt when he saw T.J. wearing
Stacey’s new coat?
13• Why does Mr. Jamison agree to put up the credit for the black
families to shop in Vicksburg?
• How do you know that Mr. Morrison had a hard, painful life?
Chapter 8
• Papa tells Cassie, “There are things you can’t back down on,
things you gotta take a stand on. But it’s up to you to decide
what them things are.” What things do you think Cassie must
take a stand on? Why?
• Do you think it was a good decision for Cassie to take revenge
on Lillian Jean? Is it okay to do mean things if you feel you
have been treated unfairly?
• How do you think Mama felt when Kaleb Wallace fired her from
her teaching job?
Chapter 9
• Would you spend time with the Simms boys? Why or why not?
• How was Papa injured? Why do you think this happened?
• What do you think will happen at the end of the book?
Chapter 10
• Why do you think the bank suddenly wants the Logans to pay
their mortgage in full?
• Do you think the Logans’ troubles with the Wallaces are over?
Why or why not?
• What do you think will happen to T.J. in Strawberry?
Chapter 11
• How did T.J. get so badly injured?
14• Would you have helped T.J. if you had been in Stacey’s place?
Why or why not?
• What do think will happen to the Avery family, especially T.J.?
Chapter 12
• What is your first clue that Papa set the fire?
• Papa says, “This thing’s been coming a long time, baby. . . .”
What do you think he means by this?
• How can you tell that the Logans are a close and loving family?
• How would you feel if you were T.J.
Literature Circle
Always start with a purpose. Here are some suggestions
Social Awareness: Racism
Family and Friends: Relationships
Paint a Picture!
Interesting Words