OBJECTIVE: You will write a 3 paragraph expository essay about one of the following two topics:
- A time in your life that taught you a life lesson.
- What you consider to one of your most important values.
An expository essay is a piece of writing that is intended to explain a topic to readers. It should not present the writer’s opinion or try to convince the audience of anything.
- Your must follow the WMSG standards for typed academic papers
- Your essay must have three paragraphs (no more, no less)
- Each of your three paragraph must have 4 – 5 complete sentences
- You must have a clear introduction, supporting details and a clear conclusion. Further, you must use at least three transition words or phrases.
- Your essay must be published (typed and turned in by the due date)
- Please see the Writing Rubric for detailed expectations on content, organization, clarification, elaboration, grammar and skills
- Please see the Writing Characteristics sheet on Expository Essays to help guide your writing
Tuesday, Nov. 16th:
Writer’s Workshop (WW) Pre-Writing; Brainstorming
Wednesday, Nov. 17th:
DUE: Graphic Organizer (SP Book p.86) WW: Independent Drafting
Thursday, Nov. 18th:
DUE: 1st Draft
WW: Peer Conferencing (combined class)
Friday, Nov. 19th:
WW: Editing 2nd Draft
Monday, Nov. 22nd: WW: Final editing and publishing
Tuesday, Nov. 23rd: PUBLISHING PARTY!
- Writer’s Workshop Checklist
- Skills Practice Book p.86: Graphic Organizer
- Skills Practice Book p.82: Transitional devices
- Skills Practice Book p.85: Writing Model (note this is for the VALUES choice)
- Thesaurus: to find more “expensive” words
- Your own notebook/binder for strong vocabulary ideas
- Writing Rubric
- Writing Characteristics